Walking In Wide-Open Beauty

Bull Run near “Uncached Territory” (GC238VA)

I used to burrow indoors during January, taking myself further away from the limited sunlight that makes its way to northern Virginia this time of year.  Geocaching year-round’s led me into winter wonder along the trails and waterways of Fairfax County, a world of beautiful light and vision.

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A Purposeful Walk In the Park

In search of a geocache in Hemlock Overlook Regional Park

“I have always hated to exercise just for the sake of exercise,”  my good friend dagdvm once told me.

I agree completely.  Sometimes it’s hard to just get on a treadmill and walk in place or go outside and walk in circles around some block or track or route or go out a ways and then turn around and come back.  Yes, it’s exercise, but walking without purpose can get a bit monotonous.  Wouldn’t it be great to have another reason to walk a good distance?

Geocaching,” dagdvm continued, ” is getting me out and walking for hours at a time.  It has to be good for my body.”

It sure does.  If you go out looking for certain geocaches you’ll get some exercise without even thinking about it.   If you go to a nice park full of geocaches you can walk around for hours having fun finding as many as possible.   If you go to that park with a friend who belongs to an avid hiking superdog, well — it’s hard to think of a better way to spend a nice healthy day outside, and that’s exactly what dagdvm, her weiner dog Tilly and I did at Hemlock Overlook Regional Park in Fairfax County, Virginia on a fine Sunday in June.

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